Friday, 14 April 2017

Essential Question:

    How do fertilizer pellets affect the height, leaves, flowers, and seed pods of Brassica rapa, Rbr?

Assignments Collected:  

    Late/Absent/Oops! Work

New Handouts: 


Class Work:

  1. Finish Scatter Plot assigned to you/team

  2. Begin Analysis of 4 Scatter Plots

    1. Introduction paragraph

    2. Scatter Plot Analysis of Height paragraph

    3. Scatter Plot Analysis of Leaves paragraph

    4. Scatter Plot Analysis of Flowers paragraph

    5. Scatter Plot Analysis of Seed Pods paragraph

    6. Conclusion paragraph


  1. Complete Scatter Plot Assigned to you/team

  2. Begin Analysis of 4 Scatter Plots, share, and print when finished

  3. WFP Packet due date changed to Tues. 4/18/17