Specialized Instruction

Rolling Hills Middle School is committed to providing the resources and tools to make sure every student achieves at the highest levels. These specialized instruction programs ensure that all students are guaranteed an education that's truly beyond the expected.


English Language Development (ELD) Standards are used in tandem with the Common Core State Standards to give our English Learners (ELs) what they need to acquire language and gain access to grade-... Learn More
Rolling Hills Middle School has a number of programs and staff dedicated to providing support to all students, including Special Day Classes (SDC) and Resource Specialist Programs (RSP).
Instructional Assistant - SDC
ACantucervantes [at] campbellusd.org

C1 · Teacher
mfarrelly [at] campbellusd.org

Instructional Assistant - SDC
SiFitzgerald [at] campbellusd.org

M2 · Speech Pathologist
SFriedman [at] campbellusd.org

M7 · SDC Autism
theinrich [at] campbellusd.org

M-1 · Instructional Aide
LKirkish [at] campbellusd.org

E3 · 7th ELA, 7th Social Studies, 7th and 8th ELD
ALawryk [at] campbellusd.org

Instructional Assistant - SDC
rlopez [at] campbellusd.org

BMartinez [at] campbellusd.org

M1 · SDC Autism
Website  KMontoya [at] campbellusd.org

C3 · Resident Teacher
jnelson [at] campbellusd.org

G2 · Behavior Specialist
qnguyen [at] campbellusd.org

Instructional Assistant - SDC
nramirezlopez [at] campbellusd.org

M1 · Resident Teacher
jrich [at] campbellusd.org

G1 & G2 · Therapeutic Teacher
asears [at] campbellusd.org

Instructional Assistant - SDC
KShahbandari [at] campbellusd.org