Fri. 26 May 2017
Essential Question:
What are the different characteristics of your ecosystem?
Assignments Collected:
New Handouts:
Bell Work:
Class Work:
Ecosystems Team Research Project (See Google Classroom)
Make research notes (do not copy paste) on your part of #1-12 in your color font.
Add images, diagrams, charts, tables, maps, pictures to show each of your facts
Use “Tools” and “Explore” to cite your sources (it will be a footnote) as you research, including your images...
Use "Command," "F" to "Find" a word on the document to narrow your search
Ecosystems Research (see Google Classroom) due Tues. 5/30/17
Ecology Test Corrections and Reflections due Thurs. 6/1/17
Test Retakes (12, 13, Ecology) AFTER school on Thurs. 6/1/17