Jeni Marty's spaces


After School

Rolling Hills Middle School offers a wide range of after school options, including academic enrichment opportunities, sports, homework help, performing arts and more!  Some options are available through our Campbell Union School District Expanded Learning programs, while others are organized by RHMS teachers.  Details are available from the school office or by contacting the CUSD Expanded Learning Department.

Sections: The Crew
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Core Academics

New ideas. New concepts. New skills.

Educating students to their highest potential. That is our mission.

Grades 6 through 8 is when our students explore core subjects more deeply and discover new interests and skills that may continue through high school and beyond. Our teachers provide strong core academic instruction through their broad knowledge of the subject matter, standards-based curriculum, and creative lesson design. 

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Enrichment opportunities at Rolling Hills Middle School develop the whole student, providing knowledge and context for the world around them. Students will participate in various exploratories during their time at Rolling Hills Middle School. They're encouraged to try these classes, and maybe even discover a new passion in Band, Digital Photography, Journalism, Technology, Visual Arts, or World Languages. They’re also encouraged to participate in a variety of after-school activities and clubs.

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Specialized Instruction

Rolling Hills Middle School is committed to providing the resources and tools to make sure every student achieves at the highest levels. These specialized instruction programs ensure that all students are guaranteed an education that's truly beyond the expected.

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2 0 2 4 After-School Clubs

2024 After-School Clubs

RHMS Fall 2024 session clubs will run from October 14 to December 13

If you have any questions feel free to email Adriana Paz at adpaz [at]

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3D Design Club

When: Tuesday

Time: 3:15 - 4:00

Where: J8

Club Host: Mrs. Raghu

Contact Information: sraghu [at] campbellusd.orgckunz [at]

Additional hosts: Westmont High School students

Sections: Calendar, Homework, News
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5/6 Eagle Band

The RHMS 5/6 Eagle Band is a group dedicated to the solid beginning of a musical education. During the first two weeks of class, students will learn how band class functions and will be able to sample instruments in order to select the right one for them. This ensemble will perform three concerts of exciting and challenging music and celebrate the end of the year with a movie party!

Sections: Calendar, Homework, News
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7th English

I'm looking forward to a great year with the students. For copies of materials handed out in class, please check your child's Google Classroom account. Additional information may also be found at my additional website:     Thank you.

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After School

Rolling Hills Middle School offers a wide range of after school options, including academic enrichment opportunities, sports, homework help, performing arts and more!  Some options are available through our Campbell Union School District Expanded Learning programs, while others are organized by RHMS teachers.  Details are available from the school office or by contacting the CUSD Expanded Learning Department.

Sections: The Crew
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Art Club

When: Wednesday

Time: Lunch

Where: D1

Maximum Participants: 24

Club Host: Mrs. Fang

Contant Information: afang [at] ckunz [at]

Sections: Calendar, Homework, News
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Rolling Hills Middle School offers competitive sports for boys and girls; the sports offered are cross-country, soccer, volleyball, track and field, basketball, field hockey, cheer, dance, and wrestling. Sport try-outs are advertised at school and on the morning announcements.

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Music energizes and enlivens learning.

Rolling Hills Middle School offers beginning, intermediate, and advanced band courses, and students have the opportunity to try a variety of instruments. Also, the RHMS band performs in several afternoon events, local community parades, and regional competitions.  They are graded on a range of musical elements, including instrument practice, playing tests, written tests, daily participation, and performances.

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