Featured in the top picture are our three winners! Featured in the bottom picture is Mr. Schwalenberg getting his team to the second round.
School News
Whether Chromebooks are stowed away during break and lunch or cell phones are locked in pouches, students are already finding ways to increase interpersonal relationships with technology breaks during our school day!
While we communicate through ParentSquare, we have important letters attached or linked below...
Creating classroom missions increases student ownership of their own learning.
Good morning Rolling Hills Families!
Please see the attached flyer for all the information from what NOT to wear to how to order!
Picture retakes are Oct. 22, 2024.
Rolling Hills Middle School
For those curious, our first Dining Out event provided food for those interested and $629 donated to our RHMS PTA. (See attached.)
Tonight is our Back to School Night. Starting at 6:00 pm and ending at 7:25, we will run a bell schedule similar to previous years and what our neighboring high school does. Classes will be ten minutes in length, and there will be a five minute passing period. This will provide you an opportunity to hear from your children's teachers... their classrooms missions, their proven instructional strategies, and details of the year. Please know your child's schedule and room numbers when speaking with them this afternoon. Here is a link to support that.
While we will have a dozen or so students from our Leadership class assisting parents and guardians tonight, we've attached a map as well.
The City of Campbell’s Safe Routes to School Maps Project aims to create and make available walking and bicycling maps for each of the Campbell Union School District schools located in Campbell or serving Campbell students.
Link to Rolling Hills' map.
Campbell Safe-Routes to School Survey
Please take this quick survey after reviewing the Safe Routes to School Maps. We value your opinion!
Survey in English • Encuesta en español
The project was paid for with 2016 Measure B Education & Encouragement Program funds.
Phase 1 of the project includes three schools: Castlemont Elementary School, Rosemary Elementary School and Rolling Hills Middle School. The City anticipates Phase 2 of the project to include Forest Hill Elementary School and Campbell School of Innovation in Fiscal Year 2024/25. Phase 3 of the project will address Capri Elementary School and Village School in Fiscal Year 2025/26.
As we currently work to fill our West Valley Athletic League rosters and coaching assignments, we are now prepared to establish additional co-curricular activities in the coming weeks.
This year, cheer will be "sideline" cheer... available to perform on the sidelines during some of our fall and winter sports. This is a non-competitive program aimed at exposing students to the rigors of cheer should students choose to pursue it in high school.
Carmon Allen, our Athletic Director, is in the process of hiring people to take on this responsibility.
There will be a meeting for students to receive sign up information this Thursday at lunch in our gymnasium for sideline cheer.
RHMS Families,
Rolling Hills will be hosting a Power School Parent Workshop next Monday, September 16th. We will be offering a morning and an afternoon session. The same information will be covered at both sessions so please join us during the session most convenient for you. The sessions will be held during the following times:
Session 1 8:45 - 9:45 AM
Session 2 1:45 - 2:45 PM
We highly encourage you bring the device in which you will be using to access Power School (phone, laptop, table, etc.) to the workshop.
To attend, click HERE to sign-up or you may scan the QR code in the flyer attached.