Rolling Hills Middle School

Rolling Hills Middle School Flexible Learning Option

We are committed to providing our students the safety of a schedule and flexible learning opportunities during this unique time.

Students and families, we find ourselves in a unique situation.  With updates coming daily, it is certainly dynamic.  Teachers and administrators have spent hours on video conferences, the Google Suite, and Face Time over the last two days.  With CUSD's guidance, we are committed to offering 1040 students the safety and reliability of a schedule and flexibly appropriate learning.

At this point, the work is suggested.  It will be ungraded, but we hope that teachers communicate with your children on aspects of it.  We will post a link onto the end of this article late in the evening of Tuesday, March 17th for students to start their Wednesday.

Parents and guardians, please be mindful that while the link below is availabe so that "anyone with the link" may "view" it, many flexible assignments may only be viewed through a student CUSD Google account.  We have decided to do this for a number of reasons at this time.  We ask that you not  jam our servers and emails with requests for access, rather please work with your child to view specific assignments linked to their grade level and subjects.   In the coming days, we may create a Google Form for comments, as our situation continues to evolve.

This is design thinking in action, where we face a dynamic problem and create potential solutions from dozens if not hundreds of perspectives.  As a staff, we will re-assess this format on Friday afternoon via a video conference and adjust for next week.

We appreciate your support in this endeavor and expect to continue what is undeniably difficult work... all focused upon the 1040 students we serve.

Be well…

Ted Cribari III and Amy Vanderbosch

Flexible Learning Option