Ms. Cybele's Core - Math, Science, PE /FLEX

News You Can Use

Welcome to the 2020-21 school year! I am looking forward to getting to know the kids and helping them to acquire the skills to 'do school', learn new information, build their social-emotional qualities and have some super fun!

Please note that I share your students with my teaching partner, Mrs. Harrington. Go to her page here. She teaches Language Arts and Social Studies, while I cover Math and Science. We will be teaching PE and FLEX together.  We label the 2 groups as GOLD and GREEN. GREEN are the HOMEROOM students I begin with at the start of the day. GOLD begins with Mrs. Harrington. These 2 groups of students are our HOMEROOMS. Please note that we cover the same information for all students in this 20 minute time. 

PLEASE email me at cpugliese [at] if you have any questions.

Classroom News and Information

Updated Mon, Oct 15th
Updated Mon, Oct 15th

Study 13 vocab cards nightly

Updated Mon, Oct 15th

L4.2 worksheet

Updated Mon, Apr 30th

Math: L13.1 Area of Quadrilaterals  and L13.2 Area of Triangles

HW L13.1 #5-10

HW L13.2 #4-9

Science: none due to SBAC Schedule 

Tomorrow is Periods 4,5,6 

Wedneday is normal day

Thursday is Periods 1,2,3 

Friday is periods 4,5,6

Updated Thu, Apr 26th
Updated Thu, Apr 26th

math: complete pink/green Statisitical Measures sheet with height data for correction in math on Thursday.

Test covering L16.1-16.5 on Friday

science: 3D art continued... start a google doc listing 16 vocab words and their definitions. Can be worked on at home and in class if you are finished with your cells.

Updated Thu, Apr 26th

math: study and be able to use the 8 statisitcal measures that were reviewed on Wednesday and Thursday in class:

mean, meadian, mode, range

MAD - mean absolute deviation

Box Plot, Dot Plot, Histograms

Be able to use the measure to make comments about the data set distributions and comparing different values for 2 different sets.

Science: working on 3D cell art. Needs to include a google doc listing the vocabulary and their definitions to be taped to the back of the art. 

Quiz will be near the end of next week.

SBAC testing starts next week for LA. We will be covering the last unit of Geometry during the long class periods in preparation for our math testing the second week of SBAC. 

Updated Tue, Apr 24th

math: L16.4 Dot Plots IP #1-4 and L16.5 Histograms IP #1-3

Test on Friday covering L16.1-16.5 - no tutoring since we will be reviewing in class on Thursday

science: started 3D Cell Art project for the week in class only.

Sub on Wednesday - Mrs. Rottler :) Finishing my root canal :( :(

Updated Mon, Apr 23rd
Updated Mon, Apr 23rd

math : L16.3 Box (and whisker) Plots Independent Practice #9-16

Math Test Friday covering all of Lessons 16.1-16.5

mean, median, mode, range, MAD (mean absolute deviation), box plots, dot plots, histograms

science: checked vocab cards today - completed and taped in cell question sheet