Ms. Cybele's Core - Math, Science, PE /FLEX


When: Thursday, Apr 26, 2018, (All day)

math: study and be able to use the 8 statisitcal measures that were reviewed on Wednesday and Thursday in class:

mean, meadian, mode, range

MAD - mean absolute deviation

Box Plot, Dot Plot, Histograms

Be able to use the measure to make comments about the data set distributions and comparing different values for 2 different sets.

Science: working on 3D cell art. Needs to include a google doc listing the vocabulary and their definitions to be taped to the back of the art. 

Quiz will be near the end of next week.

SBAC testing starts next week for LA. We will be covering the last unit of Geometry during the long class periods in preparation for our math testing the second week of SBAC.