Wed., 3 May 2017 (Per. 1-6, SBAC)

Essential Question:

     Turn Target 2 (on Google Slides) into an EQ.

Assignments Collected: 

Per. 1-3:

  1. CNs on Questions #1-5 w/summary (see Google Classroom)

Per. 4-6:

  1. Ecology CNs

  2. Learning Target #1 on Ecology

New Handouts: 


Bell Ringer:

Per. 1-3:

Explain how much agricultural land is available on our biosphere, and why.

Per. 4-6:  

Explain what an ecology is and how it relates to an ecosystem. (Hint: see video on Google Classroom again)

Class Work:

  1. Ecosystems Review

    1. Amoeba Sisters Video: Levels of Organization from cells to biosphere (on Google Classroom)

    2. “Ecosystems” Google Slides (on Google Classroom)

  2. Students used computers to review slides and video again and make CNs.

    1. Use the “Target 2” slide to make an EQ

    2. define terms and draw a picture for each (use slides and video for info and pictures)

    3. add good higher level questions on left

    4. write a summary


  1. Finish CNs for 6 Slides and Video