Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Essential Question:

     Turn the Key Concept into an EQ.

Assignments Collected:  

  1. Pg. 398-99 CNs w/Fig. 3 & 4, & Rev. #4-7.

New Handouts: 

  1. Fertilization H.O. into CNs for Pg. 400-1 & Rev. #1-2.  Color each part a different color & label

  2. Pollination & Photosynthesis Quiz H.O.

Class Work:

  1. Reviewed Fertilization H.O. into CNs for Pg. 400-1 & Rev. #1, 2

    1. Color each part a different color and use the same color to label

    2. On the back, color the parts as shown in the textbook, and write the phrases next to the steps for that picture (parts a-e)

  2. Phototropism & Gravitropism Labs set up

  3. Wisconsin Fast Plant Lab, Day 22 (Per. 2 only)

  1. #2 & #4 get Airbook and record plant height, & # of leaves, flowers, seed pods

  2. #1 & #3 get iPad for Stop Motion & take pictures of plant

  3. Use your bee stick and cross pollinate your flowers; bee careful


  1. Fertilization H.O. into CNs for Pg. 400-1 & Rev. #1, 2

  2. Pollination & Photosynthesis Quiz H.O.