Thurs. 11 May 2017 (All periods, SBAC Sched.)

Essential Question:

Turn the topic into an EQ.

Assignments Collected:  

  1. “The Needs of Living Things” CNs (see Google Classroom)

New Handouts: 


Bell Work:

If the amount of water decreases, then how would it affect an ecosystem like an estuary?

Class Work:

  1. Bell Work: 1st on your own, then share out with team, then as class

  2. Topic: Food Chain, Food Web & Food Pyramid Slides (Turn into EQ) on Google Classroom  

  3. Students work on computers on the assignment on Google Classroom and make CNs and answer Rev. #1-3 at bottom of the ck12 link.  Remember to watch the 3 videos and do the interactive Ocean Food Web link.


  1. Finish: Food Chain, Food Web & Food Pyramid CNs (see Google Classroom) due Mon. 5/15