Monday, 10 April 2017

Essential Question:

    How do fertilizer pellets affect the height, leaves, flowers, and seed pods of Brassica rapa, Rbr?

Assignments Collected:  

    Late/Absent/Oops! Work

New Handouts: 


Class Work:

  1. Wisconsin Fast Plant Data Table

    1. Make a copy of your original data table you made with your partner (“File,” “Make a copy”)

    2. Rename it by just removing your partner’s name

    3. Share it with sdavis [at]

  2. Fix the formula on the “Average”  set of rows from Day 7 to Day 31 so the it averages the two remaining plants (demonstrated in class)

  3. Set up graph paper with legend for 4 line graphs of your plants average height, leaves, flowers, seed pods on one paper (done together in class).


  1. Fix your formula on your data table