
This week, we'll wrap our study of the English colonies and begin a new chapter (Chapter 4 "Life in the Colonies"). Below are the agenda and due dates for the week: 

Monday, 9/26-

Colonies project presentations

Chapter 3 packet due

Atlas page 14/15 due

Tuesday, 9/27-

Preview Activity for Chapter 4- British newspaper headlines concerning colonies (True or False?)

KWL chart 

Discuss vocabulary

Work on Atlas page

Wednesday, 9/28- 

Chapter 4 activity begins: Observe placards, read and listen to primary documentation, make judgement of truthfulness of British headlines. 

Thursday, 9/29- 

Continue activity (aim for completion by the end of this period).

Friday, 9/30-

Last minute completion of packets. Complete Timeline Activity at end of packet.

Monday, 10/3

Chapter 4 processing activity due.  This is the assessment for this chapter so do your best work!!!