Miss Perris' 6th Grade ELA, Reading, and Social Studies


Happy Friday,
In celebration of the end of the trimester, next week is SPIRIT WEEK.  The 1st period class with the most participants will receive a pizza party!
MONDAY — Sports Day
TUESDAY — Blackout Day (wear black)
THURSDAY — Hawaiian Day
FRIDAY — College Day 
There will be NO HOMEWORK CENTER next week.
Just a reminder that the end of the trimester is next Friday, 3/8.  The last day to take an AR quiz is Friday, 3/8!

RHMS Sport-A-Thon Fundraiser:
Friday, March 29 during 3rd & 4th period (10:45 - 12:41) - 6th grade only

Parent support needed in the following areas:

    Come to RHMS and supervise a sport area during the Sport-A-Thon times listed above. Sport areas:  Soccer, Basketball, Pickleball, Volleyball, Game Room, Crab Soccer, Ping Pong, Capture the Flag, and more options to come

    Donation of bottled water for the athletes during their activity time

    Donation of $5.00 gift cards as prizes for the participants of the Sport-A-Thon

    Help with T-shirt distribution before school 8:00 - 8:30 in the gym.

    Come to RHMS and help organize donations at 11:00  or  1:30

RHMS Athletics looks forward to working with you and your athletes in making this a successful fundraiser for 2019.  If you can commit early or have any questions please feel free to contact Carmon Allen at callen [at] campbellusd.org.  Thanks as always for your support.

Homework for 3/1/19: 
Reading/Literature:  READ 30 minutes every night including weekends!  
Language Arts:  No homework
Math:  Bring math book on Monday, 3/4
Science:  No homework
Social Studies:  No homework
Have a great weekend.
Ms. Perris/Ms. Harrington