Rolling Hills Middle School

Weekly Updates

Stay in touch with Newton's Law of Gravity, COVID testing, Parent Conferences, and our School Site Council needs!

Three periods of STEAM students explored forces such as gravity and the potential measures to protect an egg from shattering upon being dropped from a rooftop earlier this week.  (Attached photos are below.)

COVID testing with parental consent will continue once weekly at RHMS.  The rapid test will provide immediate results and help ensure our community remains safe.  Please contact our office to sign up or follow this link in English or this link in Spanish.

Parent Teacher Conferences are set for the week of October 4th.  Students are dismissed at 1:05 to allow teachers an opportunity to meet with families on Zoom between 1:30 and 4:00 pm.  Teachers at both middle schools are working to determine the best way to learn how we may be able to better support your child and provide you details about your child's progress.  It is likely that a single assigned teacher will share a summary and details with our upper grade students.

Finally, we seek two members to round out our RHMS School Site Council.  People serve a two year term and help to support our site's LCAP goals of high quality instrution, social/emotional learning, and parent engagement.  There are typically four meetings per year.  If this interests you or if you have any questions, please contact Ted Cribari at tcribari [at]