Hello Parents,
Here are some reminders for SBAC testing tomorrow:
1. Bring AR book to school!
2. Bring earbuds to school.
3. Students need to use the restroom during break, because unless it is an emergency, students will not be released from the classroom during the testing period (per recent administrative email).
4. NO ONE should be done with the ELA CAT 1 TOMORROW. It should take AT LEAST 2 days. Students need to read everything carefully and TAKE THEIR TIME. Please remind students that I want them to use scratch paper for ELA testing.
5. Students CANNOT use the Chromebooks once they are done with testing. They can either READ or DRAW (principal prefers reading). Please remind kids to bring their AR book to class every day during testing.
6. There is absolutely NO talking when someone is testing.
7. Students need to stay in their seats during the testing period.
8. Gum chewing allowed only for first 1/2 hour of each testing period. Then, gum must be put in the wrapper and left on the desk. Students will be given mints, etc. throughout the test. Both classrooms will also have Goldfish and granola bars, if needed.
It’s only been a few days, but I really miss the kids. Please reassure them that they’ve learned a lot this year and that they are ready for this test. Make sure they get a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast in the morning. Other than that, all they need to do is try their best! :)
Have a good night.
Ms. Perris/Ms. Harrington