
Homework is organized by Unit and Date.

Updated Tue, Mar 19th

3/19 work sheet 12-4

3/18 pages 356-358 # 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,14

3/14 NO HOMEWORK! Ask your child about coordinate plane battleship.

3/13 work sheet 12-3

3/12 page 350-351 # 1-5, 8,10,11

3/11 page 345-346 # 6-9 all

3/7 pages 337-338 10-19 all

3/6 page 336 all

3/5 work sheet 11-4

3/4 pages 325-326 # 6-19all

2/28 pages 318-320 # 1-21 odd

2/27 work sheet 11-3 solving equations by Multiplying

2/26 work sheet 11-3 solving equations by Dividing

2/25 pages 310-312 #'s 2-20 even only.

2/14 work sheet 11-2 solving equations using +/-

2/13 work sheet 11-1  Equations complete the AB side.

Updated Mon, Feb 11th

2/11 Review answers: 1) a, 2) c, 3) a, 4) b, 5) c, 6) c, 7) b, 8) a, 9) c, c, 11) c, 12) a, 13) a, 14) 4, 15) 5^2, 16) 13, 17) 1,2,3,6,9,18  18) add 5+4, 19) 11,  20) 50 - b,  21) x divided by 4,  22) 20 + x,  23) 8,  24) 3,  25) ex (2 + x ) + 8,  26) 6y + 1 

2/8 pg 290 project.

2/7 pages 288-289 odd problems (unit review)

2/6 page 285 all, page 287 # 1,2,3

2/5 work sheet 10-3 one side

2/4 page 283 # 15-26 all  Combining like terms and simplifing

1/31 work sheet 10-2 side A/B

1/30 page 268-270 # 16, 28, 30,31,32,33,35,37,42

1/29 page # 11-29 ODD only. Translating expressions USE YOUR NOTES!

1/28 page 260 all

1/17 review answers: #1: 5 to 6, #2: 35 : 4, #3 D, #4 $2.19 per lb., #5 375 pages, #6C, #7 $2.79, #8 no, yes, yes, #9 N, Y, Y, N, #10 $450. #11 $55, #12 Y,N,N,Y #13 B, #14 800km, #15 x=18, y=24, #16 $25, #17 $25, #18 T,T,F,T, #19 F,T,T,F, #20 51.2 oz #21 37.5%, #22 150% #23 26 t-shirts, #24 N,Y,N,Y #25 20%, #26 D, #27 625 votes, #28 75 students, #29 A, #30 80%, #31 37.5% #32 25 members, #33 45 pages, #34 42 dogs, #35 2 new, #36 135 mi, #37 3.048, #38 120 mi, #39 54 in, #40 60 bottles, #41 600yd^2, #42 40%


1/16  Page 257 all

1/15 Work sheet 9-3 Order of operations

1/14 Prime Factorization work sheet

1/10 Complete Sieve of Eratosthenes work sheet

1/9 work sheet 9-1 Exponents, complete one side.

1/8 Module 8 review packet.

1/7 Today students have a module 7 review packet to work on.

Updated Thu, Sep 20th

Practice test Answers: If you get one wrong, be sure to check notes and figure out why before tomorrows test! 1) D, 2) A, 3) D, 4) 2, 5) 5, 6) A, 7) 6, 8) B, 9) D, 10) A, 11)Buffalo, 12) 36, 13) 4, 14) -5.8<-4.2<-4.1<-1.5, 15) 8, 16)Any whole number, 17) LCM 20, 18) 4. 4 is 4 units away from 0 on the number line: -3 is 3 units away. or describe with absolute value., 19) Common factors 1,2,4 GCF 4, 20) 5.5, 5 1/4, 5 1/5, 5.1, 21) 17/5, 22) -4.5, -3.5, -3, 4, 23) Yes, 3 is to the right of -5 on the nmber line. 24) -3

9/19 pgs 67,68,69 Study Guide review

9/18 worksheet 3-3 comparing and ordering rational numbers COMPLETE ONE SIDE.

9/17 pgs 62,63 # 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,22

9/13 pgs 56,57,58 # 3,4,5,6,11,12,15,19,22,23

9/12 worksheet 3-1 Rational Numbers. Complete either side C or A/B

9/11 pgs 39-40 # 4,6,8,16,18,20

         pgs 41 # 1,6,12

9/10 pgs 39-40 # 5,7,9,11,12,13,14,15,17

9/6 pgs 34,35,36 # 2,3,8,10,21,23,24,25,31,34

9/5 pgs 34,35,36 # 1,5,7,9,11,13,19,20,33

9/4 worksheet divisibilty rules/ why does a giraffe have a long neck?

8/31 Quiz in class- no homework

8/30 pgs. 22,23,24 # 3,4,5,6,12,14

8/29 worksheet 1-3 Absolute Value

8/28 pgs.16-18 # 2,5,6,7,9,12,13,14,21

8/27 Pgs. 10-12 # 1,3,5,7,9,11,19,25

Updated Wed, Aug 22nd

8/22  Homework is for parents only. Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your child.