1. reading log update
2. textbooks
3. my.hrw.com exploration
4. "Tell Tale Heart"
1 vocabulary test weeks #1-6-Friday 10/21
Students are required to write the daily agenda in their planners (or another planner-like source) everyday. I will post the daily agendas here for all to view.
I will also post announements relative to the course in this section.
1. reading log update
2. textbooks
3. my.hrw.com exploration
4. "Tell Tale Heart"
1 vocabulary test weeks #1-6-Friday 10/21
Agenda Thursday 10/13
1. vocab quiz #6
2. Ampify Surprise!
*4th and 5th turn in reading logs*
1. vocabulary test on weeks #1-6-Friday 10/21
1. Amplify catch up
2. iReady diagnostic and lessons
1. reading logs #4-5-Thursday 10/13
2. vocabulary quiz #6-Thursday 10/13
1. check vocabulary cards
2. Amplify catch up
3. iReady diagnostic and lessons
1. reading logs #4-5-Thursday 10/13
2. vocabulary quiz #6-Thursday 10/13
If you did not turn in your essay or reading logs (1-3rd periods only) on Friday, you MUST turn those in tomorrow! They are already 1 day late (10% off) and will be 50% off if turned in tomorrow.
1. Amplify: "What War Means"
1. vocabulary cards #6-Tuesday 10/10
2. reading logs #5-6 -Friday 10/14 (5th-6th periods)
3. vocabulary quiz #6-Friday 10/14
1. turn in essay
2. turn in reading logs (1st-3rd periods)
3. Finish "Two Kinds of Hot"
4. begin vocabulary for lessons 4-5
1. vocabulary cards #6-Tuesday 10/10
2. reading logs #5-6 -Friday 10/14 (5th-6th periods)
3. vocabulary quiz #6-Friday 10/14
Friendly reminder!
If you are going on the AVID fieldtrip tomorrow, remember you still have to turn in your essays either before you leave, when you get back from the trip, or turn it into my mailbox in the office.
1. Finish "Two Kinds of Hot"
2. Begin lesson 5
1. reading log #3-4-Friday 10/7 (1st-3rd period)
2. vocabulary quiz #5-Friday 10/7
1. check vocabulary cards/hand out new stamp sheet
2. essay check in
3. "Two Kinds of Hot"
1. reading logs #4-5- Friday 10/7
2. vocabulary quiz #5-Friday 10/7
3. Final draft of Harrison B. essay with process work-Friday 10/7
*If you are going on the AVID fieldtrip, you MUST turn in your essay either into the homework bin OR into my mailbox in the office!!*