Rolling Hills Record

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Coping with Life Changes Parent Lecture

RHMS Families, Please join us for a parent presentation on Thursday, April 25th . Your RHMS School Counselors will be presenting on "Coping with Life Changes". In this presentation, we will be discussing how to cope with common life changes such as transitioning…

RHMS Families,

Please join us for a parent presentation on Thursday, April 25th. Your RHMS School Counselors will be presenting on "Coping with Life Changes". In this presentation, we will be discussing how to cope with common life changes such as transitioning to a new place or school, coping with changes in the family unit, loss of a loved one, shifts in friendships, the impact of illness, and other changes that are normal in life, however challenging to cope with for our Middle Schoolers. Learn healthy techniques to guide and support your child through shifts and pivots in life. Looking forward to seeing you there as we grow our coping tool box together.

When: Thursday, April 25th
Time: 8:45 - 9:45 AM
Location: Rolling Hills Middle School in the Main Office
Sign-up: HERE

- Karina Hernandez, School Counselor
- Casey Bowman, School Counselor

Opportunity to Share...

On Tuesday, April 23rd we will open our Staff Room to parents and guardians to hear from us.  Aware that families are busy, and parking can be at a premium, it is our intention to host a meeting at 8:40 and a second one at 2:30 that same day.  (This…

On Tuesday, April 23rd we will open our Staff Room to parents and guardians to hear from us.  Aware that families are busy, and parking can be at a premium, it is our intention to host a meeting at 8:40 and a second one at 2:30 that same day.  (This may support drop off and pick up for families.)

We will share a preview of the CUSD sponsored event regarding the warning signs and effects of vaping.  The district workshop is aimed at all families with children in grades 4 and above.  That event will be hosted at a central location, Campbell School of Innovation, on May 2nd at 6:30 pm.

Additionally, we will share results of our recent Studer Survey... the perspectives of our students, staff, and community.

Both meetings will last approximately 30-45 minutes.

So that we may adequately prepare, please complete this form.

Enjoy this week's warm weather!

Students Cook Up a Winner for School Lunch Menus

Annual timed cooking competition teaches nutrition, safety, and stress management

4 middle school students (2 boys and 2 girls) standing together and smiling as one boy holds a winners trophy

The air in the CUSD Central Kitchen was filled with music, chatter and the smell of garlic warming in pans at the district’s 3rd annual Lunchroom Cook-Off competition. With a backdrop of industrial food preparation equipment, and dozens of audience members watching, the 10 student competitors had one hour to cook their favorite recipe and win a spot on the district’s school lunch menu.

The 6-8 grade students represented Expanded Learning programs at Monroe, Rolling HIlls, Sherman Oaks and Campbell School of Innovation. The timed cooking event is the culmination of an 8-week after school curriculum about nutrition, food safety, and the special requirements for school lunches. Sponsors included CalFresh, Santa Clara County Public Health, Sutter Health, 5-2-1-0, University of California Continuing Education (UCCE), and University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. 

Judge Tony Leoffler, chef at Flights Restaurant, was impressed. “It’s great to see the kids learning about nutrition and food safety, especially with the health issues happening these days,” he said.

Joining Loeffler at the judges panel were CUSD Board President Danielle Cohen, Child Nutrition Manager Benny Calderon, Child Nutrition Assistant Manager Vachan Boja, and student judges Angela Park (CSI), Janina Carrera (Monroe), Salim Islam (Rolling Hills) and Madison Rock (Sherman Oaks).

The Sherman Oaks team won the trophy and placement on the school lunch menu with their Enchiladas Verdes (green enchiladas).  

Click to view a short video of the event.

Citizen Scientists

7th graders have become citizen scientists at Santa Cruz beaches.

Citizen Scientists

From the LiMPETS website, "LiMPETS is a community science program that monitors the coastal ecosystems of California and helps youth develop a scientific understanding of the ocean. LiMPETS monitors the biology in rocky intertidal and sandy beach ecosystems and aims to provide publicly accessible, scientifically sound, long-term data to inform marine resource management and the scientific community."

Focus on Safer School Zones

State Assemblymember proposes law to slow speeds and improve safety

woman crossing guard holds a stop sign as a couple of children and adults crosse the street marked with wide yellow lines.

A news conference at Castlemont School last week spotlighted the continuing efforts to enhance pedestrian safety around school zones. State Assemblymember Marc Berman introduced Assembly Bill 2583, which would set a speed limit cap of 20 miles per hour in school zones and mandate placing signs indicating the times these lower speeds are in effect.

"Traffic violence is the number one cause of death for California's school-age children,” added Kirsten Bladh, associate director of state policy for Safe Streets for All, who spoke at the news conference.

CA Assemblymember Marc Berman
CA Assemblymember Marc Berman

In reflecting on the tragic traffic accident that took the life of Castlemont student Jacob Villanueva two years ago, Campbell Union School District Superintendent Shelly Viramontez underscored the continuous efforts to improve pedestrian safety around schools. 

“We are grateful to the legislators and government agencies who continue to work on solutions,” Viramontez said. “We are committed to working with them to ensure no family endures such a tragedy.”.

With the community rallying behind these vital safety measures, the State Assembly Transportation Committee will make a decision on the progress of Assembly Bill 2583 at its April meeting. Meanwhile, adults can help by exercising extra caution when driving near schools.