Rolling Hills Middle School

We are looking for volunteers for our Sport a Thon!

As we run an extensive after school sports program and want all students to build relationships with each other, RHMS hosts a Sport a Thon fundraiser during the school day.  The event is open to all students who sign up... to play a variety of active games during the day.  It may be pickleball, badminton, flag football, baseketball, jogging the track, rocks, volleyball, zombie tag, etc.

We seek dozens of parents who can support this endeavor... on Thursday, November 7th.  Support is simply supervision of the activities, as students rotate through them.

Sixth grade students participate during periods 3 and 4, from approximately 10:30 to 12:30, while seventh and eighth graders are from approximately 1:00 to the end of school.

Please, please let our Athletic Director, Mrs. Carmon Allen, know of your availability to supervise an "event."  We would so appreciate it!  She may be reached at callen [at]