Rolling Hills Middle School

RHMS Girls Soccer : Read Immediately

Girls Soccer Sign-ups


Dear RHMS Families and Girls Soccer players,


The athletic department is going to change how we sign up our athletes for the upcoming sports.  In this post is information to sign up your child for 

Girls Soccer.   By filling out the google form you are giving your child permission to tryout/ be a part of the team.    The google form must be filled out before FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11TH.



Athletes will only be invited into the tryout/practice if:


1.Parents have completed the sign-up form at the bottom of this parent square post before Friday, October 11th.  The form is at the bottom of this post.  The gray part.


2. They must have an athletic physical on file with the athletic director.  They cannot bring it in on the day of tryouts.   You can email the doctor signed physical to Carmon Allen at callen [at] ()  or you can drop it off in the main school office.


3.An athletic packet needs to be submitted through a parent square form. 

           Refer to the following parent square post:


4. Athletes must have and maintain a 2.0/ NO F’s to be a part of an athletic team.  Grades will be checked prior to tryouts.  

5.  Here is a link to the tryout/practice/game schedule for the 
          2024 Girls Soccer Schedule



Thank you in advance for making our sign ups/tryouts more streamlined and easier for the coaches.


If you have any questions, please email Carmon Allen at:  callen [at]