Rolling Hills Middle School

The Simplicity of a Cell Phone Pouch

Good morning.

While we prepare to welcome your children to RHMS, we have an important cell phone update to share and videos to view at the end of this message.

As a reminder, all CUSD students in grades 6-8 will be assigned a Yondr pouch, into which a cell phone, a smart watch, and airpods fit.  They are to be closed/locked at the start of our school day and unlocked at the conclusion.  There will be an array of stations in our quad.

For those students who leave during the day, the office will have its own station.

Cell phones, smart watches, and airpods that are out will be stored in the office for parent pickup.

Please take a moment to see the simplicity of using a cell phone pouch in CUSD middle schools.

Up close.
From a distance.