Rolling Hills Middle School

Science Camp Update

We have great news!  PGE estimates power to be restored and roads to be opened by 3:00 pm today, Thursday.  The forecast does not call for any additional rain.  The gas-powered kitchen facility is still cooking up pancakes and spaghetti, and additional batteries are arriving to power lanterns and flashlights should power be delayed into the late afternoon.  Night activities, including skits and the famous night hike, are planned.PHOTO OF 6TH GRADE SCIENCE CAMP STUDENTS PEERING OVER THE FOOTBRIDGE AT THE CREEK BELOW.

In concert with the Santa Clara County Office of Education, the director of Walden West and their credentialed naturalists, and our seven RHMS teachers, your children continue to be in safe hands while experiencing science in the outdoors.

Buses will be collecting our students and having them here at the RHMS GYM at 12:00 noon tomorrow.


Ted Cribari