Rolling Hills Middle School

RHMS PE Uniform Expectations and Order Form

Dear RHMS Families,

Welcome from the 2024-25 Physical Education Department!  We are looking forward to a great year.

Below, you will find PE uniform expectations, an RHMS PE uniform order form, and dates we will be selling RHMS Physical Education uniforms.

7th and 8th graders are expected to come to class with the following:

  • Gray athletic shirt

  • Green athletic shorts

  • Athletic Shoes (Croc’s are not considered athletic shoes)

6th graders are not required to change into athletic gear for their physical education class time, but they are to arrive during their PE week with appropriate clothes and athletic shoes so that they can stay safe and perform at their best.

If you would like to purchase RHMS athletic gear regardless of grade, here is a link to the order form that you may print and provide to simplify the process.

2024-25 RHMS Athletic Gear Order Form

We will be selling the athletic gear in the RHMS gym on the following dates and times.

Tuesday, August 20th 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. in the RHMS gym 

Thursday, August 22nd 3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. in the RHMS gym

7/8th graders will be required to have their Physical Education uniform by Monday, August 26th

7/8th graders will be issued a locker with a lock for the school year on Thursday, August 22nd during their Physical Education class time.  (Please send them with deodorant -No Spray)

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Carmon Allen at callen [at] ()

Thank you for your time,

RHMS Physical Education Department