2024 RHMS Track and Field Athlete Sign Up: To Do List
Hello RHMS Families,
The Track and Field season will be starting on Monday, April 15th when we return from our spring break. Below is information you and the athletes will need to have read and completed to be a part of the 2024 Track and Field team.
1. Athletic Physical: The athletes need to have an athletic physical completed by their doctor. The physical needs to be completed by after June 9th, 2023. Link to a copy of the physical: Athletic Physical
( You only need to complete 1 physical for the 23-24 school year. So, if I have one on file already you are cleared for the athletic physical)
2. Athletic Packet: Parents need to fill in the form at the bottom of this informational thread. This gives us emergency information and athletic information for you. ( You only need to complete 1 packet for the 23-24 school year. So, if I have one on file already you are cleared for the athletic packet)
3. Parent Permission slip/ Academic Grade Check: Parents you need to fill out the 1st page and the athletes will take the 2nd page to their teachers for a grade check. Link to: Parent Permission slip/ Academic Grade Check:
4. RHMS Athletic Donation form: Fill out and turn in. Link to RHMS Athletic Donation Form
General Information
1. Practice times will run from 3:15 - 4:30. Monday - Friday ( I am working on a more detailed schedule that I will hand out to the athletes on Monday, April 15th)
2. Monday practices are MANDATORY if the athlete wants to be a member of the RHMS Track and Field team.
3. Our Meets are on Wednesday's at Westmont High School with a 3:45 start. There is not a dedicated end time because it is a Track and Field meet. You complete all the events and when we get them all in we are done.
4. Track and Field spike shoes. I would suggest getting track and field spike shoes for the season because we are fortunate to use Westmonts facilities and their performance will improve with a spike shoe compared to just basic athletic shoe. Expect for the shot put/ discus throwers do not need spikes.
5. We will host some of our practices at Westmont High School. This will be on the master schedule I am putting together.
6. We will be looking for parent support to help run the Track and Field meets at Westmont. Please feel free to email me if you would like to help out. callen [at] campbellusd.org
Thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions please email Carmon Allen at callen [at] campbellusd.org
Carmon Allen