Rolling Hills Middle School

Upcoming Week and Weeks...

Good morning, families!  As we end April and enter May, we want to be focussed on consistency.  There is often a lot going on that,  while exciting, can also be unnerving for students.  Will I do well on SBAC?  What am I going to do all summer?  Will I be okay in high school?  Will I be okay in 8th grade or 7th grade?

We are sharing with students the upcoming changes to our bell schedule on the days we test so that they may feel reassured.  Our schedule provides students some natural breaks from testing and a slightly longer lunch.  You can see that we will test on Thursdays and Fridays and Mondays and Tuesdays.  Wednesdays and the weekends will provide a little downtime for our students.  While we will have an array of make-up opportunities, it is complex and requires us to remove students from their classes.  We ask that you do your best to have appointments scheduled at other times.  (Please see the attached flyer that shares the SBAC bell schedule and its associated dates.)

If you have questions about any of the state tests, your child's academic performance, or your ability to opt your child out of CAASPP assessments, please contact Mrs. Vanderbosch or Mr. Cribari.

To kick next week off, we will also feature a Spirit Week.  (Please see the attached flyer for details.)

We continue to work with our Child Nutrition Department to obtain a grill that will allow us to grill 800 hotdogs and 60 veggie dogs as we conclude testing.  If we are successful, we could use some extra hands as wrapping that many entrees in tinfoil is labor intensive!  Stay tuned =)

Enjoy what is going to be our first spring-like weekend in months.