Grading and Power Schools

Now that we are well underway with the school year and assignments are being entered into Power Schools, I wanted to take a moment and share with you how grades are entered: 

1. If you are missing an assignment--whether from an excused or unexcused absence- it will be entered as "Missing" and "0" points.  The missing lets you know what I haven't received from you and the "0" is entered so you know what your grade will be if the assignment is not turned in.  Once you turn in the assignment, the "Missing" and "0" will be replaced with the score you earned on the assignment. 

2. When an assignment is turned in, I will always try and enter "collected" in the grade book on the due date so you know immediately if you are missing an assignment.  

3. Whenever you have something that needs to be turned in, it will be a part of your daily agenda so you remember to turn it in. 

4. As we discussed in class, your grade is like a living organism: it is constantly changing! As such, don't worry if your grade is low right now as there are only a few assignments in the gradebook therefore they hold the most weight; once more assignments are given and scored, the more your grade will "even out".  If you want a true assessment of your performance in the class, come see me and I can tell you! As this is the beginning of the trimester, your grade in Power Schools will NOT be an adequate measure.