Ms. Cybele's Core - Math, Science, PE /FLEX

HW Math/Science

When: Wednesday, Oct 25, 2017, (All day)

Math - corrected L4.2-4.3 HW and reviewed the quiz problems - they have them written down - they should make sure they know how to work each one of them.

Skills required to be successful on the QUIZ tomorrow and the rest of their math year:

- LCM and GCF

- Cross cancelling - simplify final answers

- add/sub/mutiply/divide fractions

- convert mixed frac to improper

- conert improper to mixed

- turn a whole number into a fractions

- recipricals

- decipher a simple word problem into a division expression and solve

All of these topics have been covered IN DEPTH and they have HW and notes on all of it. The best way to be successful in any math class is skills practice, reviewing/using your notes and ASKING QUESTIONS!!  :) 

Science -  worked on Zombies Super Science article - unfinished worksheet is HW.

Party period tomorrow as a reward for being WONDERFUL when we had a sub a couple of weeks ago. They may bring in food to share :)