Ms. Cybele's Core - Math, Science, PE /FLEX

Happy Holidays!

When: Friday, Dec 16, 2016, (All day)

What a fun day we had! I love the craziness just before the breaks... excitement, anticipation and parties!

As you can tell, I have not entered any grades... I have everything to take home to grade and they will be put in.

My life outside is hectic right now, but I make no excuses. 

Our auction was a success, the classroom decorations were adorable and there were just enough treats to wet their whistles.

Thank you for your generosity - I have recieved so many sweet gifts.... please note that I wait until Christmas morning to open them all :)

It brings me joy to remember the kids as I open each one <3

Be safe if you are traveling this year, stay warm if you are outside, play if you are inside and eat when you are craving a holiday treat.... you only live once! 


Ms. Cybele