LAST Music Booster Meeting Monday 5/22 at 6:30 PM in Cafeteria

Hello Band Community,

It is the last booster meeting.  We will be discussing the final needs for our Notes & Floats and voting for next year's board.  We are still looking or members for next year:

  • Secretary: Attend ~8 meetings about once a month and taking minutes. Contact: Judi Thayne (judithayne [at]
  • Concert Programs: creating, producing and handing out programs for the fall, winter and spring band concerts.  Contact - Theresa DeSoto (theresadesoto [at]
  • Bake sale co-chair: Organize the bake sale for 4 annual concerts. Contact -Dawn Byron (dawn.byron [at]
  • Possibly President: Overall leader for boosters & run ~8 meetings about once a month. Contact  - Kawai Billawala (oktanm [at]

We would love to have you at the meeting.  Hope to you there!  Thank you for a great year.

PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION for you know who.  Details in prior email.  You can also contact me (oktanm [at] or Steve Waste (wastrel [at] for any questions.

Kawai Billawala

MB President