26 September 2016

**We’re still looking for volunteers for our Project Cornerstone program!  Please email me if interested!!  :)

**We’re also still looking for a few more high school students to help us out as cabin leaders at Walden West.  If you have an older child who is a Junior or Senior in high school and would like to help, please contact us immediately!  I’m also attaching the instructions about how to sign-up.  (They would get to go for free!)

**NEED MATH HELP??  Check out my.hrw.com<http://my.hrw.com/>.  Use your school Google username and password to log in!

Language Arts

1.  None


1.  Unit 1-3 Test tomorrow!   (study practice test!!!)

2.  POW #2 due 9/30

Social Studies

1.  Hammurabi’s Code (in groups) due 9/27

PE -- Gold

1. PE clothes due 9/28, 9/30


1.  Bring a book EVERY day!!

2.  AR Points due 11/4

3.  Read for 20 minutes every day!!


1. Science Camp Health and Registration Forms due 9/30

2. Lab Write-Up due 9/29