Journal Question: None
Assignments for the day: 1) Turn in bathroom passes
2) Turn in textbooks
3) Watch 'Chasing Ice'
4) Watch 'Plastic Voyage'
Homework Assignment: None
Assignments Collected: None
Handouts: None
For homework information, please check the "News" section of my website.
You will find daily news updates including the journal question of the day, assignments completed, homework assignments and handouts file attachments.
Journal Question: None
Assignments for the day: 1) Turn in bathroom passes
2) Turn in textbooks
3) Watch 'Chasing Ice'
4) Watch 'Plastic Voyage'
Homework Assignment: None
Assignments Collected: None
Handouts: None
Journal Question: Why is the surface temperature of Venus the hottest amongst the terrestrial planets?
Assignments for the day: 1) Continue with notes on The 'Solar System'.
Homework Assignment: 1) Test on June 6th, Tuesday
2) Bring textbooks back on June 6th, Tuesday
3) Sign up for the Eventbrite
Parents and students must sign up at the RSVP link, to attend the Film Festival this Saturday, June 3rd.
Assignments Collected: None
Handouts: None
Journal Question: None
Assignments for the day: Dr. Tramiel's visit: Scale of The Solar System
Homework Assignment: None
Assignments Collected: None
Handouts: None
Journal Question: None
Assignments for the day: Continuing project on ocean acidification
Homework Assignment: Work on Handout 3 or complete
Assignments Collected: None
Handouts: Handout 2 and Handout 3