RHMS Winter Concert

The RHMS Winter Concert is a little less than 2 weeks away!  Please read on for more details and important information.

RHMS Winter Concert

Wednesday, 12/20

7:00 – 8:30 PM


-All students are expected to stay for the entire concert!  It is very important that all of the musicians support each other by listening to the other bands!  Please send me an email (mrawlinson@campbellusd.org) if your child will be unable to stay for the entire event so that I can arrange a make-up assignment.

-When the students are not performing, they should be sitting with their parents!  Unsupervised students have been very disruptive in past concerts.

-Please observe proper concert etiquette!  There should be no talking, walking, or flash photography during the performances.  If you need to leave your seat, please do so between the songs or bands.

-Please be sure your child has the proper uniform! 

            -Eagle Band – black shoes, black socks, black pants, band t-shirt

            -Concert Band – black shoes, black socks, black pants, green band polo

            -Symphonic Band – band shoes, black socks, black pants, black band polo

-Eagle Band members must arrive at 6:30 PM for warm-ups!  All other students should arrive by 7:00 PM.

-Please consider signing up to help with the Bake Sale by donating food or volunteering your time!  More information will follow.

Thanks for your help with making this event a successful and enjoyable one!