Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Essential Question:

     Turn the Key Concept into an EQ.

Assignments Collected:  

  1. Pg. 400-1 Fertilizing Flower H.O. into CNs & Rev. #1, 2

  2. Pollination & Photosynthesis Quiz H.O.

New Handouts: 


Class Work:

  1. Plant Processes-- Asexual Reproduction Pg. 402-3 CNs & Fig. 4 & 5 & Rev. #3-7

  2. Wisconsin Fast Plant Lab, Day 23 (only Per. 2)

    1. #2 & #4 get Airbook and record plant height, & # of leaves, flowers, seed pods

    2. #1 & #3 get iPad for Stop Motion & take pictures of plant

    3. Use your bee stick and cross pollinate your flowers; bee careful!

  3. Return all devices and plants


  1. Pg. 402-3 CNs & Fig. 4 & 5 & Rev. #3-7